3 ×
Slalom Poles
8 ×
In this exercise, the goalkeepers learn how to accept and take the ball with them, as well as how to pass with precision and two touches.
Pro-Tip by Peter Rasch
I like to play out a competition and count the points of the goalkeepers who have successfully fitted into the pole goal with two contacts!
Pro-Tip by Roland Rasch
Diese Übung eignet sich ebenfalls hervorragend für einen Rundlauf mit mehreren Torhütern / Spielern: Wer ist der beste Passspieler im Team?
With passion and attention to detail, we've transfered our best drills into a unique and world-class set of training programmes designed to help experienced goalkeeper coaches and ambitious club coaches.
Training goalkeepers has to be fun and there has to be a high level of energy! With me, there is always action. Fun, ambition and discipline in goalkeeper training – that's my philosophy.