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How can I design 1 vs goalie situations for my goalies?

Short block, long block or ball attack

Hinführender Teil Technique goal defense Technique 1 versus goalkeeper

1 ×

5 ×

In contrast to goal defense, the goalkeeper does not have sufficient reaction time in 1 vs. goalkeeper situations - the goalkeeper has to act using blocking techniques and can no longer react.

Pro-Tip by Peter Rasch

I usually train goal defense and 1 against the goalkeeper together. As the name already suggests, the shot in a 1 against goalkeeper is "only" blocked. The follow-up action in my goalkeeper training is a shot on goal.

Pro-Tip by Roland Rasch

It is a common misconception to think you can shorten an angle! The shot angle for the attacker is - mathematically speaking - independent of the position of the goalkeeper. By pushing the goalkeeper (due to the lack of reaction time) the size of the goal for the attacker is reduced. I let my goalkeepers play "eyes of the ball" again and again to explain the principle of size of the goal reduction to them.

This drill is included in the following Training Programme

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Peter Rasch
Peter Rasch
Goalkeeping School Peter Rasch, Hannover 96

Training goalkeepers has to be fun and there has to be a high level of energy! With me, there is always action. Fun, ambition and discipline in goalkeeper training – that's my philosophy.

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